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Technical & Scientific
Due Diligence 

Risk Mitigation Solutions

Connect with the Largest Directory of Computational Biologists and Experts in Metabolomics

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Imagine Biotech

Imagine Biotech resources can call upon a wide variety of industry experts and technologies to de-risk your portfolio using sophisticated pathways that have matured due to improved data resources, confounding factors, and improved model assumptions.

Our array of services ranges from sophisticated molecular modeling density functional methods (DFT) to the first-of-its-kind integration package of ADMET and PK predictions to academic risk.


Imagine Biotech staff have the training, expertise, and knowledge to review the proposed hypotheses (investment) in their entire journey to commercialization and select those tests/technologies to support further investment success or flag issues that arise only in the environment of review by skilled biotechnology experts.


Depending on which sector (antibiotics, oncology, metabolic, diagnostic), certain assets are selected as components of the report we generate for investors and, insome cases, cost less than legal reviews.



ADMET prediction with PK modeling

Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MNR)

Mass spectrometry assets

Bioinformatics & Metabolite databases

3D protein modelling and molecular docking

Toxicology | Drug delivery & infusion 

Chromatography Techniques

The Importance of Knowing Your Molecule Before you Invest Time and Capital

DNA Helix Structure

Approximately 30% of drug failures in clinical trials are due to unmanageable toxicity.

Molecules Bio

About 18% of drug failures are specifically due to drug-induced liver injury (DILI).

Crystal Spheres

Drug toxicity can result from both off-target and on-target inhibition of molecular targets.


Toxicity issues are oftennot detected until clinicaltrials, despite rigorouspreclinical testing in animalmodels.

DNA Strand Close-up

Many potential drugs fail due to misclassification by animal models, which may not accurately predict human toxicity.

Colorful DNA Helix

The high failure rate due to toxicity underscores the importance of improved methods for predicting and assessing drug safety early on.

" Know Your Molecule "


Alan Turing Quote

"Sometimes it is the people no one can imagine anything of, who do the things no one can imagine."

- Alan Turing 

The Investor Problem

Amid economic instability and previous biotech setbacks, investors, especially Limited Partners, face declining confidence. Bottom line is that it becomes harder to close future funding rounds because of this higher historic risk profile associated to life science projects.


Traditionally, biotech investments centred on conventional business due diligence often overlook or don’t place heavy emphasis on meticulous technical analysis due to high associated cost.


Undesirable pharmacokinetics and toxicity are major reasons for drug development failures, with safety and efficacy of major concern for project success,  recognizing drug ADMET properties early reduces clinical phase failure rates.


GlycoMira Therapeutics, Inc.

" GlycoMira is developing a first-in-class bi-modal immune modulating anti-tumor therapeutic that has the potential the establish a new paradigm for the treatment of solid tumors.


The data from Imagine Biotech using sophisticated technologies on our lead drug candidate will greatly accelerate our clinical development program and reduce risk as we move forward with first in human clinical investigations.


Imagine Biotech's risk reduction tools should be considered essential for any drug development company.

- Sincerely,"

Dr. William Tew (CEO)

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What The Numbers Show


Average spend on pre-clinical toxicology studies


Drug discovery can take 12 years and cost $2.6 billion.


Clinical drugs fail, costing investors & partners millions


Fail because of limited pre-clinical efficacy




Fail because of unmanageable toxicity



European Institute of Bioinformatics

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1567 W Silver Springs Rd Park City, Utah 84098

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